Empowerment Programme

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse in the Workplace

This empowerment programme

has been created to educate people on Narcissistic Abuse in the workplace. If you are experiencing the following at work then chances are you are working with/for a Narcissist. This can be a director, line manager or co-worker. If you are self-employed it could be a co-director or partner.

I believe there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of Narcissism in the workplace within the HR area of companies or indeed by the business owners. An attitude of “don’t open that can of worms, it will cost us a fortune and damage our reputation in the market place”. This is the way is always been and its worked. 

Toxic behaviour

his toxic behaviour  erodes others self-esteem, wellbeing and their ability to function properly in their work and personal lives this in turn also has a negative impact on their families and personal lives. Unaddressed this can cause illness, mental health issues, addictions and havoc in the lives of  those entangled in these toxic relationships at work through no fault of their own.

We are not diagnosing anything here, merely creating awareness on the topic of Narcissism in the workplace. Helping people understand it and exploring how we can recover from its effects if we are experiencing it in a work relationship.

I have chosen to address Narcissism in the workplace as it if rife in the business world and always has been, it has become the acceptable normal for far too long. My aim is to help people understand it, recognise the signs, recover from its effects, build their self – esteem, implement boundaries and move on in their lives to create healthier, happier more balanced relationships in their work and also in their personal lives.

It’s not your fault

Narcissism  is a very toxic and damaging behaviour experienced by millions of people in the workplace around the globe. Fear, lack of knowledge and support on the topic prevents people from addressing it on a personal and professional level, like any type of abuse it is complex and can have serious negative consequences for those who experience it. Thankfully we are evolving and people are more recently drawn to addressing issues like Narcissistic abuse, there are many modalities for recovery and ample information online available should you choose to recover.

I am here to teach you that this type of abuse is not your fault, you are not responsible for others behaviours and you can overcome this hideous abuse that is destroying your self-esteem and move on – there is a way out! Never has there been a better time in humanity to address this issue which has destroyed people, relationships, families, communities, businesses and much more for decades. Let’s call it out, and say NO MORE to create a better business world based on honesty, fairness, empathy and healthy relationships. Education is key and having the right support and tools will help empower you to make better choices and create the life you want.

Whilst some of the course covers the topic of Narcissism the main focus will be to provide you with the tools to help you recognise the behaviours, improve your self-esteem, explore your options, recover and move on within your career and life.

I provide workshops & courses covering this topic to enable you to identify, understand and recover.

This course is about You, not the narcissist ! It will help you gain perspective, self-awareness, clarity and focus to create the life You want. Narcissistic Abuse effects all ages and genders and is displayed by all ages and genders in the workplace. Your recovery from Narcissistic Abuse  requires ‘Your’ commitment to your own personal development journey. Being abused by a Narcissist at work can be very lonely, terrifying , frustrating and exhausting to deal with. Empowering yourself through education will assist you in moving forward with the right support putting the whole experience behind you  and enabling you to create the life you want.

This empowerment programme covers…

If you are experiencing the following at work then chances are you are working with/for a Narcissist. This can be a director, line manager or co-worker. If you are self-employed it could be a co-director or partner.

  • Constant criticism
  • Regular Anger outbursts and rage
  • Have the feeling the your self-esteem is being eroded by your Line Managers behaviour towards you
  • The company culture is toxic – a culture of Fear – Everyone knows the behaviours are wrong but are afraid to say something formally or feel they will not be taken seriously if they do.
  • Your manager/supervisor/director/co-worker is arrogant, condescending and ruthless a lot of the time
  • Controlling and manipulative behaviour
  • Your manager/supervisor/director/co-worker will do anything to get what They want regardless of anyone else’s needs.
  • Your Line Manager has a Jekyll & Hyde personality – Nice one minute, abusive the next
  • Your Line Manager takes no responsibility for their behaviour and blames everyone else.
  • Your Line Manager has NO Empathy
  • Your Line Manager takes credit for your work
  • Your Line Manager reacts badly to any form of perceived criticism
  • Your Line Manager flips from being nice to you one minute and abusive the next
  • You know you are being abused/bullied but you are afraid to say something for fear of the consequences.
  • Your Line Manager has NO respect for your boundaries
  • Your Line Managers expectations of you are unrealistic .
  • Your Line Manager has a “conquer and divide” style of management and micro manages.

Once you open your eyes to this kind of behaviour and see it for what it is there is no unseeing it ! The next step is to choose what you want to do about it. You are not alone on this – there is support and help available to you – You have choices.

This course is run over 6 weeks  via Zoom  at 7pm to accommodate participants working schedules. There is a maximum of 15 people in each class.

What you will learn during this 6 week programme.

  • Narcissism and how it plays out  in the workplace
  • Narcissism Spectrum/Types of Narcissism
  • Effects of Narcissistic Boss on employees
  • Your Self Esteem / Self – Awareness – Introduction to Enneagram Personality Profile
  • Building You UP – Self Care
  • Next steps – Your Choices for moving forward

You will also receive the following as part of this course:

  • Your Personal Enneagram Personality Profile
  • The Enneagram Made Easy  Book by Renee Baron

6 week programme £497


Please Note: This course is for educational purposes only, no formal diagnosis is being made. If you have mental health or illness  concerns please consult your GP for advice.

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Is My Boss a Narcissist?

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